Sunday, November 30

what not to name your baby: batman

My legs have been itching so much today. I think it's the slight drop in humidity, and it makes me wonder if m y legs will always be dry in decreased humidity. Maybe I shouldn't think about that and just keep a hefty bottle of lotion around, just in case.

Well, the holidays have come and gone. Well, the second holiday has yet to come, Christmas that is, and hopefully that holiday will last much longer than this one did. Although I did get to see L and X, L more often than X, it was a wonderful, wonderful reunion.

Television has been pretty hectic as well. The last episode of Gossip Girl was full of Thanksgiving havoc. Serena wore an extremely short dress while trying to prove that she isn't a "bad girl" anymore to her saintly bf, Aaron Rose. Blair also got a wonderful surprise, her father came to visit, and he made his traditional Thanksgiving pie. I don't remember the kind it was.

I'm terribly sad that True Blood has ended and won't return until next summer. I suppose June isn't that far away.....

I really need to get my Christmas list done. If I don't say what I want, I won't get it. That's how it always works. So I need to get at least one thing in my mind straightened out right now and figure out what I want for the giving holiday.

Rachel's X-Mas List:
  1. A new TV
  2. A properly working vehicle
  3. Fable 2 (xbox 360)
  4. Infinite Undiscovery (xbox 360)
  5. The Last Remnant (xbox 360)
  6. Buffy Series DVD Collection
  7. 6 months Xbox Live!
  8. Penelope (DVD)
  9. Clothes (I'll live with gift cards)
  10. Books (gift cards still good here)

I can never decide what a good limit of things I want is. Am I asking for too much? Too little? I know my mom already got me some boots (x2).

This week's episode of Dexter has come on, I should probably pay attention.


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