I'm watching Planet Terror again. It is unbelievably good. Cheesy, but great. I think it's the actors that make it so great. Watch the trailer:
Anyway... we packed belongings today... only the most important
Taping up windows, getting things off the floor.
Fear is looming over the Gulf Coast.
It reminds me of the last season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Everyone in Sunnydale has this feeling of doom coming or whatever, so they're all evacuating. Buffy and the potentials are living in the Summers' house still, and all the power goes out, obvoiusly according to the people at the power planet leaving Sunnydale as well.
So many places are boarded up... no one can get on the interstate anymore. And there's going to be this thing starting at 4am where these two highways will be one-way, to evacuate the most people. I think it's I-55 and something else close to the Louisiana-Mississippi border.
It's werid trying to figure out what's most important to you. I guess it's that eternal question: if you could bring only five things with you in a (blank situation), what would you bring?
I don't even think I could answer that question right now.
I've taken down a lot of the teeny-bopper posters I had on my walls, which I should have posted pictures of. It was pretty funny. I got them from my sister's J-14 magazines, and other teeny magazines. As I was saying, now that the posters are gone, my room looks a little more bare. Although my Miley Cyrus poster is still billowing in the wind of my fan. The blue sticky-tac for hanging posters just doesn't work well with magazine paper. The yellow puddy stuff we have is much better than this.
It's weird trying to figure these things out, I suppose, since last time, during Katrina, all of my belongings were in my dorm room, safe, in Mobile. Now, all my stuff is here... and I don't know if they'll be here, or salvageable, when this whole thing blows over.
I've been in kind of a state of emptiness all day. Trying to figure things out... trying not to worry about impending doom. Plus, I have a lot of studying to do... :( In my next World Civ 2 class, we're having a test. So soon, yes.... I'm not too happy about it. All about the Renaissance and the Reformation ages. I'll pretty much have to teach these things to myself. Reading the chapters and whatnot. Chapters 16 AND 17. Each one of the chapters has one of the subjects in it, and these chapters are. not. short. There are a lot of maps, pictures, reocrds and time lines though.... so maybe it won't be too bad when I go to study.
I probably should be doing that... reading the chatpers for the test.... doing the study guide.
It's late and I should sleep. Too many things on my mind though... who can sleep at a time like this?
p&l (hopefully I'll be able to write again soon....)
Sunday, August 31
Wednesday, August 27
things fall apart
My computer charger, my car and my phone are all damaged in one way or another.
Very tragic, this whole situation is.
I can only drive my car short, very short distances. So, I'm pretty much only driving to and from school, mostly.
I have my computer charger jacked up with some duct tape. It's rather ghetto, I might say.
I'm about to watch the Grindhouse movies. I don't know which one is coming first: Planet Terror or Death Proof. Personally, Planet Terror is my favorite of the two.
I just watched Fried Green Tomatoes. So great that movie is.
I haven't really posted anything in a long time. The best news I have thus far is that I finally got into school. I'm gonna get the Pell Grant. I have a very interesting school schedule.
I had my first day of classes today. I got up at 8am and left at 9 for the campus, my class, Biology w/ lab, starts at 9:30. Not only did I not find a parking spot until 9:40am, but I didn't find the actual building until 10:00. So, I went to the library and read Snuff until my next class, World Civilization I, at 12:00. What's weird is that the class lets out at 12:53. Exactly.
C'est bizzare.
Tomorrow, I have World Civilization II at 11:00am - 12:20pm. Another good thing is that I get to use the same book for both World Civ classes. Woohoo! I still don't have a Biology book though.
I'm getting kinda hungry, but I don't want to get up again. However, my drink is almost empty.
The coming attractions when Grindhouse is shown together are hilarious. Machete.
I've been watching Stephen King's The Stand on SurfTheChannel.com. I'm almost done with it, but it's been very good. I want to read the book now.
Right on. Planet Terror is coming on first.
I've been coming up with a time line of my own vampire novelization. I started thinking of it when I was watching Interview with the Vampire.
Rose McGowan is hot in a pin-up girl kind of way. I love this movie though. Zombie movies are pretty good. I do enjoy the directing talents of Robert Rodriguez, and acting talent of Freddy Rodriguez, no relation. Saiid from Lost is in this movie, too. British accent, very interesting. Although his character, Abby, is about to castrate this guy and put his balls in a jar-whatnot.
Bruce Willis. His death in this movie is very gross.
The jar of balls just broke on the concrete, spilling gonads all over.
Saiid just set off the gas of whatever it is that causes people to go crazy and kill people and tear their faces off.
Very tragic, this whole situation is.
I can only drive my car short, very short distances. So, I'm pretty much only driving to and from school, mostly.
I have my computer charger jacked up with some duct tape. It's rather ghetto, I might say.
I'm about to watch the Grindhouse movies. I don't know which one is coming first: Planet Terror or Death Proof. Personally, Planet Terror is my favorite of the two.
I just watched Fried Green Tomatoes. So great that movie is.
I haven't really posted anything in a long time. The best news I have thus far is that I finally got into school. I'm gonna get the Pell Grant. I have a very interesting school schedule.
I had my first day of classes today. I got up at 8am and left at 9 for the campus, my class, Biology w/ lab, starts at 9:30. Not only did I not find a parking spot until 9:40am, but I didn't find the actual building until 10:00. So, I went to the library and read Snuff until my next class, World Civilization I, at 12:00. What's weird is that the class lets out at 12:53. Exactly.
C'est bizzare.
Tomorrow, I have World Civilization II at 11:00am - 12:20pm. Another good thing is that I get to use the same book for both World Civ classes. Woohoo! I still don't have a Biology book though.
I'm getting kinda hungry, but I don't want to get up again. However, my drink is almost empty.
The coming attractions when Grindhouse is shown together are hilarious. Machete.
I've been watching Stephen King's The Stand on SurfTheChannel.com. I'm almost done with it, but it's been very good. I want to read the book now.
Right on. Planet Terror is coming on first.
I've been coming up with a time line of my own vampire novelization. I started thinking of it when I was watching Interview with the Vampire.
Rose McGowan is hot in a pin-up girl kind of way. I love this movie though. Zombie movies are pretty good. I do enjoy the directing talents of Robert Rodriguez, and acting talent of Freddy Rodriguez, no relation. Saiid from Lost is in this movie, too. British accent, very interesting. Although his character, Abby, is about to castrate this guy and put his balls in a jar-whatnot.
Bruce Willis. His death in this movie is very gross.
The jar of balls just broke on the concrete, spilling gonads all over.
Saiid just set off the gas of whatever it is that causes people to go crazy and kill people and tear their faces off.
bruce willis,
death proof,
fried green tomatoes,
rose mcgowan,
stephen king,
the stand
Thursday, August 14
i hope it does grow out soon, cause i look like a boy
Tuesday, August 12
i really want to be a sith lord
I can't stop thinking about Star Wars. I think I dreamt of it last night. I'm currently watching Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. I think I'm going to have to watch it again tomorrow, cause I'm not really paying attention.
I rented the Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga video game today at Blockbuster, which is where I also got Episode III. I've already completed Episodes I and II in the game. There are all six episodes on the game. You get to play as 100+ different characters. There are a lot of characters to unlock.
I don't know what else to report on. The anniversary party last night, for T and her man, was pretty fun. Met some people I didn't know.
I had Chinese for lunch today, which was pretty good, but they didn't have the green beans that I like that they usually have. Whatever. I enjoy Chinese food no matter what.
General Grievous is a really hardcore mofo. He was trained in the Jedi art of the lightsaber, and he is mostly machine. His original body died, but was made into a war droid with his original brain, nervous system and intneral organs. I'll find a picture to post:

Isn't that a scary dude? However, a Jedi is not allowed to feel fear.
I think if I were a Sith Lord, I would go on a spree trying to destroy the Jedi. But, if there were no Jedi, then there would be no Force, then there would be no dark side. So, if that's actually true, then I don't think I would go about destroying all of them.
I'm very hungry. Although my stomach does hurt in the nauseus way that it has been all day, I'm hungry. I don't know what I want, even though we have lots of food in the house. So, the best answer is just to not eat at all.
Obi-wan Kenobi just defeated General Grievous.
I rented the Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga video game today at Blockbuster, which is where I also got Episode III. I've already completed Episodes I and II in the game. There are all six episodes on the game. You get to play as 100+ different characters. There are a lot of characters to unlock.
I don't know what else to report on. The anniversary party last night, for T and her man, was pretty fun. Met some people I didn't know.
I had Chinese for lunch today, which was pretty good, but they didn't have the green beans that I like that they usually have. Whatever. I enjoy Chinese food no matter what.
General Grievous is a really hardcore mofo. He was trained in the Jedi art of the lightsaber, and he is mostly machine. His original body died, but was made into a war droid with his original brain, nervous system and intneral organs. I'll find a picture to post:

Isn't that a scary dude? However, a Jedi is not allowed to feel fear.
I think if I were a Sith Lord, I would go on a spree trying to destroy the Jedi. But, if there were no Jedi, then there would be no Force, then there would be no dark side. So, if that's actually true, then I don't think I would go about destroying all of them.
I'm very hungry. Although my stomach does hurt in the nauseus way that it has been all day, I'm hungry. I don't know what I want, even though we have lots of food in the house. So, the best answer is just to not eat at all.
Obi-wan Kenobi just defeated General Grievous.
Monday, August 11
this is fact not fiction, for the first time in years
R.I.P. Bernie Mac and Issac Hayes. They shall be missed.
So I bought some new shoes today. Semi-new. I did buy them for a dollar at the Thrift Store, while I was out shopping this morning with T. Tomorrow is she and her husband's 3rd wedding anniversary. How lovely.
Here is they look like. I believe they look like moccasins. I'm very excited about them.

I must mention how comfortable these shoes are. And did I mention that I bought them for a freakin' dollar?! Quite a find, if you ask me. I also took some very beautiful pictures of Buster. I shall upload them too.

He has the most magnificent ears.

He is truly a wonderful howler. And beautiful beyond belief.
(Maybe more beautiful than Joli? But it cannot be possible since Joli was on this Earth first, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed.)
Other than these pictures, I haven't really been up to much other than being sick. Terribly, terribly sick.
Hmm... something else is that I've gotten into Star Wars very deeply. My friend C and I made characters on the Star Wars Combine, which is kinda like an online RPG game for nerds like me. We've created our characters, made background stories for them, and have discussed where we want our characters to go. If you know nothing about Star Wars, then it's "okie day"(Jar Jar Binks says that a lot in Episode I: The Phantom Menace). However, my character, Belle Jolais, I want her to become a Sith, which for those of you who do not know, is what you would call the "dark side of the Force." I'm sure you people know what the Force is.
I've made a play list of songs that I want people to listen to. There's one song on here that L should listen to in particular. I heard it in my friend T's car and I immediately thought of L. HAHA. She should love it, being the white trash princess and everything..... The song I'm talking about is the Gretchen Wilson song, because I don't listen to Gretchen Wilson on a regular basis.
R.I.P. Bernie Mac and Issac Hayes. They shall be missed.
So I bought some new shoes today. Semi-new. I did buy them for a dollar at the Thrift Store, while I was out shopping this morning with T. Tomorrow is she and her husband's 3rd wedding anniversary. How lovely.
Here is they look like. I believe they look like moccasins. I'm very excited about them.
I must mention how comfortable these shoes are. And did I mention that I bought them for a freakin' dollar?! Quite a find, if you ask me. I also took some very beautiful pictures of Buster. I shall upload them too.
He has the most magnificent ears.
He is truly a wonderful howler. And beautiful beyond belief.
(Maybe more beautiful than Joli? But it cannot be possible since Joli was on this Earth first, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed.)
Other than these pictures, I haven't really been up to much other than being sick. Terribly, terribly sick.
Hmm... something else is that I've gotten into Star Wars very deeply. My friend C and I made characters on the Star Wars Combine, which is kinda like an online RPG game for nerds like me. We've created our characters, made background stories for them, and have discussed where we want our characters to go. If you know nothing about Star Wars, then it's "okie day"(Jar Jar Binks says that a lot in Episode I: The Phantom Menace). However, my character, Belle Jolais, I want her to become a Sith, which for those of you who do not know, is what you would call the "dark side of the Force." I'm sure you people know what the Force is.
I've made a play list of songs that I want people to listen to. There's one song on here that L should listen to in particular. I heard it in my friend T's car and I immediately thought of L. HAHA. She should love it, being the white trash princess and everything..... The song I'm talking about is the Gretchen Wilson song, because I don't listen to Gretchen Wilson on a regular basis.
Sunday, August 3
ShamWow! you'll be saying 'wow!' every time! (not sold in stores)
Reading the Twilight saga makes me want to be in a relationship, but I know that truthfully, relationships aren't like the one in this series. I would know. I've never met a guy like Edward Cullen.
I've met an Edward, but he was nothing like the one in the series. :(P
It makes me look back at guys I've liked and dated within the past 3 years. I mean, those are the only ones that really count. High school was just training grounds. I wasn't the person I am now when I was in high school. I was in what I call my "awkward phases." I wasn't confident in the kind of person I was. Very insecure.
College really opened up my eyes. I knew in high school that people weren't all complete assholes. In college, I realized that everything didn't have to be so critical about appearances. It was more about the person you made yourself out to be. This sounds all so cliche. High school cliques and whatnot.
I don't think our high school had really "defined cliques." I was acquaintances with many people, although none were really good friends or whatever.
Anyway, I'm watching Dead Men Talking, a forensic crime show on the Biography channel. I love this show. It makes me want to go into criminal investigations. So does Veronica Mars.
I was in Wal-Mart today and I saw that they had Kinoki foot pads. I've seen commercials for them on TV on late-night-television, but now that it's being sold next to lighters and other items that aren't candy in the check out asile. Oh crazy. Only 20 bucks, I think I may do some investing. I don't know where I'm getting this kick on television products.
The past four or five days I've been sick. The first few days I was like sersiouly sick, losing whatnot every 30 minutes. Now I just have a cold, coughing and blowing of the nose, and a damn cold sore. But that happens when I get sick. Or when I go to the fucking dentist and they use latex gloves. (I am slightly allergic to latex) Bastards.
Here's a little something to listen to that I've been enjoying a lot lately.
I've met an Edward, but he was nothing like the one in the series. :(P
It makes me look back at guys I've liked and dated within the past 3 years. I mean, those are the only ones that really count. High school was just training grounds. I wasn't the person I am now when I was in high school. I was in what I call my "awkward phases." I wasn't confident in the kind of person I was. Very insecure.
College really opened up my eyes. I knew in high school that people weren't all complete assholes. In college, I realized that everything didn't have to be so critical about appearances. It was more about the person you made yourself out to be. This sounds all so cliche. High school cliques and whatnot.
I don't think our high school had really "defined cliques." I was acquaintances with many people, although none were really good friends or whatever.
Anyway, I'm watching Dead Men Talking, a forensic crime show on the Biography channel. I love this show. It makes me want to go into criminal investigations. So does Veronica Mars.
I was in Wal-Mart today and I saw that they had Kinoki foot pads. I've seen commercials for them on TV on late-night-television, but now that it's being sold next to lighters and other items that aren't candy in the check out asile. Oh crazy. Only 20 bucks, I think I may do some investing. I don't know where I'm getting this kick on television products.
The past four or five days I've been sick. The first few days I was like sersiouly sick, losing whatnot every 30 minutes. Now I just have a cold, coughing and blowing of the nose, and a damn cold sore. But that happens when I get sick. Or when I go to the fucking dentist and they use latex gloves. (I am slightly allergic to latex) Bastards.
Here's a little something to listen to that I've been enjoying a lot lately.
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