I rented the Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga video game today at Blockbuster, which is where I also got Episode III. I've already completed Episodes I and II in the game. There are all six episodes on the game. You get to play as 100+ different characters. There are a lot of characters to unlock.
I don't know what else to report on. The anniversary party last night, for T and her man, was pretty fun. Met some people I didn't know.
I had Chinese for lunch today, which was pretty good, but they didn't have the green beans that I like that they usually have. Whatever. I enjoy Chinese food no matter what.
General Grievous is a really hardcore mofo. He was trained in the Jedi art of the lightsaber, and he is mostly machine. His original body died, but was made into a war droid with his original brain, nervous system and intneral organs. I'll find a picture to post:

Isn't that a scary dude? However, a Jedi is not allowed to feel fear.
I think if I were a Sith Lord, I would go on a spree trying to destroy the Jedi. But, if there were no Jedi, then there would be no Force, then there would be no dark side. So, if that's actually true, then I don't think I would go about destroying all of them.
I'm very hungry. Although my stomach does hurt in the nauseus way that it has been all day, I'm hungry. I don't know what I want, even though we have lots of food in the house. So, the best answer is just to not eat at all.
Obi-wan Kenobi just defeated General Grievous.
Remember when you left your green beans in your backpack for a long time once and they rotted? Josie Grossie.
He won't be himself again?? Why? Oh no. I wanted to go visit this month. God. Are we allowed?
i dont understand how kenobi could so easily defeat grievous .. my fav bad guy :( he d be undefeatable if he just whirl those sabers around himself like a mixer ... no chance for luckyguy kenobi then.
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