Sunday, August 31

gustav. "it's go-go, not cry-cry."

I'm watching Planet Terror again. It is unbelievably good. Cheesy, but great. I think it's the actors that make it so great. Watch the trailer:

Anyway... we packed belongings today... only the most important

Taping up windows, getting things off the floor.

Fear is looming over the Gulf Coast.

It reminds me of the last season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Everyone in Sunnydale has this feeling of doom coming or whatever, so they're all evacuating. Buffy and the potentials are living in the Summers' house still, and all the power goes out, obvoiusly according to the people at the power planet leaving Sunnydale as well.

So many places are boarded up... no one can get on the interstate anymore. And there's going to be this thing starting at 4am where these two highways will be one-way, to evacuate the most people. I think it's I-55 and something else close to the Louisiana-Mississippi border.

It's werid trying to figure out what's most important to you. I guess it's that eternal question: if you could bring only five things with you in a (blank situation), what would you bring?

I don't even think I could answer that question right now.

I've taken down a lot of the teeny-bopper posters I had on my walls, which I should have posted pictures of. It was pretty funny. I got them from my sister's J-14 magazines, and other teeny magazines. As I was saying, now that the posters are gone, my room looks a little more bare. Although my Miley Cyrus poster is still billowing in the wind of my fan. The blue sticky-tac for hanging posters just doesn't work well with magazine paper. The yellow puddy stuff we have is much better than this.

It's weird trying to figure these things out, I suppose, since last time, during Katrina, all of my belongings were in my dorm room, safe, in Mobile. Now, all my stuff is here... and I don't know if they'll be here, or salvageable, when this whole thing blows over.

I've been in kind of a state of emptiness all day. Trying to figure things out... trying not to worry about impending doom. Plus, I have a lot of studying to do... :( In my next World Civ 2 class, we're having a test. So soon, yes.... I'm not too happy about it. All about the Renaissance and the Reformation ages. I'll pretty much have to teach these things to myself. Reading the chapters and whatnot. Chapters 16 AND 17. Each one of the chapters has one of the subjects in it, and these chapters are. not. short. There are a lot of maps, pictures, reocrds and time lines though.... so maybe it won't be too bad when I go to study.

I probably should be doing that... reading the chatpers for the test.... doing the study guide.

It's late and I should sleep. Too many things on my mind though... who can sleep at a time like this?

p&l (hopefully I'll be able to write again soon....)

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