R.I.P. Bernie Mac and Issac Hayes. They shall be missed.
So I bought some new shoes today. Semi-new. I did buy them for a dollar at the Thrift Store, while I was out shopping this morning with T. Tomorrow is she and her husband's 3rd wedding anniversary. How lovely.
Here is they look like. I believe they look like moccasins. I'm very excited about them.
I must mention how comfortable these shoes are. And did I mention that I bought them for a freakin' dollar?! Quite a find, if you ask me. I also took some very beautiful pictures of Buster. I shall upload them too.
He has the most magnificent ears.
He is truly a wonderful howler. And beautiful beyond belief.
(Maybe more beautiful than Joli? But it cannot be possible since Joli was on this Earth first, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed.)
Other than these pictures, I haven't really been up to much other than being sick. Terribly, terribly sick.
Hmm... something else is that I've gotten into Star Wars very deeply. My friend C and I made characters on the Star Wars Combine, which is kinda like an online RPG game for nerds like me. We've created our characters, made background stories for them, and have discussed where we want our characters to go. If you know nothing about Star Wars, then it's "okie day"(Jar Jar Binks says that a lot in Episode I: The Phantom Menace). However, my character, Belle Jolais, I want her to become a Sith, which for those of you who do not know, is what you would call the "dark side of the Force." I'm sure you people know what the Force is.
I've made a play list of songs that I want people to listen to. There's one song on here that L should listen to in particular. I heard it in my friend T's car and I immediately thought of L. HAHA. She should love it, being the white trash princess and everything..... The song I'm talking about is the Gretchen Wilson song, because I don't listen to Gretchen Wilson on a regular basis.
1 comment:
Hahah thanks for that song. The white trash, Dixie Chicks-loving princess in me was totally feeling it.
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