Tuesday, December 2

i can't really explain it, i heard the little girl whispering... -matt parkman

I'm watching season one of Heroes, and I'm reminded why this show is definitely worth watching.

It's so epic, even in the third episode. Hiro persuades Ando into going with him on the journey. He's like "So you'll come with me?" expecting Ando to drop everything at Yamagata Industries and go with Hiro on the epic quest to save the world. Then, save the cheerleader, save the world.

Mr. Sylar. Mohinder's Indian accent more prominent in the first episode than in any other episode. He sounds Indian-British mixture. Not as Indian as he started out in episode uno.

Also, Claire's Texan accent is pretty good, and keeps its swagger at the right times, and constantly. Ahem, Mohinder. Everyone in the "Texas" segment of the first season have decent accents, and keep it up. I guess Mohinder still has an "accent" but it just doesn't sound as Indian as before.

Whatev "Mohinder's accent."

Sylar (Gabriel Gray) has so many books in his apartment in episode three. Mohinder and Eden are checking it out, and they find the secret room with the map with "dozens more" ropes than Monhinder's father's map. FORGIVE ME! Chandra Suresh.

Parkman just saved Molly Walker. Sylar's getting away.

So epic. So wonderful season one is. I just love it so much.

It's probably the number one season of tv shows I've ever watched. My most favorite.

I don't really want to compose a list of my favorite first seasons right now, so I'm just gonna have to figure one out eventually.

Simone Deveaux, not shot dead yet.


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