Monday, November 17

50% off boots and otter wear

Buster and I are sitting in the kitchen, posting this blog, since my computer no longer keeps charge. I called Apple today, and my computer cannot be called in for free technical service.

So I have to either go to my closest Apple Retail store (Metarie, LA) or call the support line and pay 49.99. BULL.

Whatever. I will get my computer fixed somehow.

Nothing much has happened of any particular significance. My bff ladies are coming home this weekend for Thanksgiving. This makes me very, very happy.

Thursday, Conor Oberst will be playing a show in New Orleans, and perhaps, if I go to the concert, I could bring my computer to the Apple store. I really hope we do go to the concert, since it will be awesome and whatnot.

UGH. I can't think of anything to really write about. There are lots of shows to talk about: Dexter, Desperate Housewives, True Blood, Ugly Betty, Grey's Anatomy (the latter two I haven't seen yet). Oh yes, and Eleventh Hour, which I also have not seen yet.

However, I can tell you that the first three shows were very watch-worthy. Mmm, only the season finale of True Blood left, which the last episode left me with a little relief knowing that I was right about Rene. He is NOT the sweet Cajun guy everyone thought he was. He is a killer. Unless he can come up with a justified reason for why he disappeared after his sister was murdered.

Gossip Girl is coming on soon, so I gotta go get ready.


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