I've been wanting to write something. But I feel so un-inspired.
'The Scouting Isle' really needs and ending. The previous mentioned is a short story I started in April that I have yet to finish.
So, in order to cure my writer's block, I've been doing a lot of reading, listening (to music). A lot of watching. People-watching, mostly. Lots of people sit around the soda machines by the library on campus. It still baffles me that JC has a Vitamin Water vending machine. Very strange, and quite... hip of them... I guess that's the word.
I've also been forgetting a lot of words recently. I've been thinking of getting one of those GRE vocabulary prep books. Gone are the days of Spelling Words that we have to define and get synonyms and antonyms for. Those did prove to be very educational, even if people didn't want to do them.
People never realize the importance of school until they're actually in college, or not in college and wondering what happened.
I made a 70 on my Biology test. wtf. I need to do better next time. I didn't study the right things last time, apparently, and tried to just remember what was in the notes. Now I know better.
I have to make up my World Civ 2 test tomorrow, the one I missed last Thursday when the family and I were on our way to Nashville.
Oh yes. Nashville.
I got to see my ladies. My lovely, lovely ladies. Malibu and Jfer.

The wedding was lovely. It was on a plantation in Brentwood, which according to Jfer, who lives in Murfeesboro (TN), is the rich section of Nashville. Jack White lives there. Of the White Stripes. We saw his house. It is white.... with a bright red door and red smoke stacks. I assume they're his chimney.
Malibu and I went to see Choke, which was good until the ending. It disappointed me. Very much so. I suppose screenwriters have to make it their own story somehow.... bastards.
Once something dies, you can't make it live.
I've been sick ever since we returned from Nashville. I'm afraid to blow my nose too much cause I don't want it to get too red or get bruised from too much blowing.
A few days ago I had a fever of 101.5 degrees. Then I had a dream that I had a 104.something degree fever.
I've been having lots of weird dreams lately, but I can't remember them to write them down.
My neighbor's dog is barking again. He's always chained up next to the garage door to the outside, which is right next to my bedroom window. Very unfortunate for me.
Oh, at the wedding, there was a bluegrass band.

There were a lot of little children at the wedding. It was frightening.
They served very weird food. I don't know how to explain it, or what it was called. Just know it was gross. I didn't eat much of it. And what I did eat made me sick a little.
No one's sure how all of this got started, but we're gonna make 'em god damned certain how it's gonna end. Oh yeah, we will.
I love vitamin water. My current favorite flavor is Multi-V/Lemonade (even though it has not lemon juice in it). I see you wore your gossip girl shoes to the wedding. Good choice. I think I'm going to buy a GRE word book too. Update soon, skank.
Vitamin water sucks. It's funny how it is marketed to be healthy when it's far from that.
The food was steak and scallop and celeriac. Guess you're used to eating less diverse flavor profiles. Should've given you the kids plate :-)
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