I do love his work. He was funny/good in The Twilight Zone movie. I also really enjoyed Third Rock From the Sun (pictured left).
I hear he plays a transvestite, Roberta Muldoon, in the movie-version of The World According to Garp, but I have not seen that movie, and I don't know if I really want to or not.
I'm currently watching True Blood, and I watched Dexter and Desperate Housewives earlier. I suppose I can report on that tomorrow sometime. Since I'll also be watching Gossip Girl and Heroes. I'll have to report on those as well.
Tomorrow I have a test on ancient Greece. I'm pretty sure I'm ready for it. I also get the grade back from the second biology test I took tomorrow. I am looking forward to it. I have to return this Guide to Anatomy and Physiology Lab book I accidentally purchased instead of a Guide to Biology Lab. I do hope they will allow me a trade.
Tuesday I start my World Lit 2 class. I'm excited about that as well. I don't know if I got a good grade on that or not, cause I don't really know if I grasped the right information about the French Revolution. Ugh. Tests are insane. At least my World Civ 2 teacher lets us do this extra credit work that we get to turn in with the test. The last two tests we took I made 88's. Both times. Who cares. B's will give me a B in the class. I made a 94 on my first World Civ 1 test, so hopefully after tomorrow I'll have another A and that will give me an A in the class for now.
I don't want to think about class right now.
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