Tuesday, October 28

like a bass out of hell

I'm listening to/watching the latest episode of Heroes. It's a great episode.

I still have yet to see the new Desperate Housewives.

Anyway, the new episode of Heroes contained a well-welcomed-back Kristen Bell aka Elle Bishop in Heroesland. I was very happy to see her return. I knew it was only a matter of time before she came back after being fired. There are two very Veronica Mars-esque motifs:

1) Lyle (cheerleader's brother) says, "The bitch is back." right before the intro credits. That is actually the series final episode title.
2) Elle says, "...let's go see the wizard." The reference to the "wizard" from Wizard of Oz came up on two occasions in season one of V. Mars. Both in the very first episode of the series.

I love my knowledge of popular television.

Today in my World Lit 2 class we talked about Tartuffe, the play. I saw it once in high school, done by the competition class of theatre. I never tried out for the class, but I was asked to, so nah. Tartuffe, however, is a kinda terrible play. But it does have it's importance during the Enlightenment in France. It was even banned several times.

Oh yes! Last night's Gossip Girl. Let me just say one thing: mini-cooper. Oh, and what would the combo name be if Chuck and Blaire actually did get together? (combo name meaning "TomKat" "Bennifer" etc) My only guess would be: Bluck or Chaire. HA. Anyways....

Little Jenny Humphrey is a crazy in this episode and Willa Holland guest stars as Agnes the model for Eleanor Waldorf. Willa Holland, for those who don't know ... was Marissa Cooper's little sister on The O.C., Kaitlin Cooper (thus the name mini-cooper). Agnes gets Little J to quit her internship with Eleanor.

Also, Aaron (Aaron Rose, but not really the one from the book series) the artist is a "cutie" I guess one would say. He's very Conor Oberst....esque. He and Serena should hook up, but it won't last. Maybe Dan and Serena have another shot at romance next season?

I read recently that Dexter has been signed on to do antoher TWO seasons. Very exciting. Looks like it's one season that's not "jumping the shark," like another series that I love dearly: Heroes. Jumping the shark is when critics start to go badly. Whatever article I read today said that Heroes started getting bad in season two.

I know!? Who would want to get rid of Heroes? Did they say Lost was jumping the shark when people started saying that it was getting really crazy (mainly around season three)?

Who cares? Lost is still on for another two seasons after it's most recent season: 4. Still out on DVD, I think. I wonder when season 5 is going to premiere.

Sometimes I feel like when I'm writing my blog I sound like a Veronica Mars voice-over or Gossip Girl intro/outro. Whatever.


1 comment:

Lindsey A. said...

I am so bored at work!!! Save me. Gossip Girl was a really, really good episode this week. I need to catch up on Heroes and Dexter. One day I shall. Mark said he finished Twilight, woot!