I took Buster outside earlier and there are people in the neighborhood that are making quite a ruckus somewhere. He barked, which was not acceptable.
I'm drinking a two day old Michelob Ultra (1 pint). It's been in the fridge, with some tin foil over the top... it's not too fresh though. Looking at it now, I thought there was less to drink than I thought. Le sigh.
I've been thinking about the dream again, and how I can put it down on paper(digital paper, that is). I need some input from X and L, since they were two of the main players in the dream.
Tomorrow I find out two test grades: Bio and World Civ 1. I'm ready to know these scores. I made an 80 on my French Revolution test which is much better than I thought it was going to be.
I don't really know what a carpetbagger is, so I guess I'm going to do some research. I was thinking about that earlier on my way to class this morning. Well, according to Wikipedia, this is what a carpetbagger is:

In United States history, carpetbaggers was the term southerners gave to northerners who moved to the South during Reconstruction, between 1865 and 1877. They formed a coalition with freedmen (freed slaves), and scalawags (southern whites who supported Reconstruction) in the Republican Party. Together they politically controlled former Confederate states for varying periods, 1867–1877.I can't get rid of the links, so whatever. The picture was made by the Ku Klux Klan as propaganda against the carpetbaggers, claiming they would lynch them if they found them out. Or whatever.
Soon, in World Civ 2, we will be learning about the Reconstruction, well, the Civil War too. Just a little bit about it though, since it's not American History. I'm not too interested in American history. I had a little bit of that in high school, now I want to know about the rest of the world.
My cousin from NYC that was down went home today. We went to the Palace Casino and had the buffet, and I lost 2 bucks on the penny slots. He ordered two shots of tequila for us, and we did the shots with some salt and lime, of course. The way it's supposed to be done.
I'm kinda ready to be living in Mobile again, but I know I'm not financially ready to do so. I wish I could live on campus and still have Buster around, but we all know that's impossible. No animals on campus and all that. Not even to visit. Such strict rules.
Well, I have seen all the television episodes for Sunday and Monday, but I'm not feeling in the mood to write about them just yet. I probably won't even get to it. But I will say, about Gossip Girl: Chuck needs to get over himself and accept his humanity.
Jenny Lewis really is an idol of mine. She writes such wonderful songs, and sings them very wonderfully too. Listening to her is like listening to angels sing. It's the voice I assume Kristen Bell to have, although I know what Kristen Bell's singing voice sounds like. That last sentence just sounds weird, but whatever.
I have a headache.
I wish animals could live on campus too. I wish Ole Miss had cool dorms. They are starting a co-ed residential college with its own dining hall and gym, but I'm too old to live there :(. Well, I wouldn't want to live there now but I would have a couple years ago. i just watched the new Gossip Girl, since I am home all swollen and such. It was really good. I need to download Acid Tongue. Maybe Kory has it. I want to go to a chinese buffet. However, I cannot chew.
Winston is barking and growling too at people walking around our house.
I want a Jenny Lewis theme song. I thought carpetbaggers were just anyone who came to town to do something "bad" like people who sell poorly manufactured vacuum cleaners to chumps. Thus, they would have a bag resembling a carpet. J/k.
I met some Chinese girls who really like Gossip Girl. I've never watched it though.
Sucks about your grade. That hasn't happened to me since like 9th grade. I was working with another girl on a lab and my paper was close enough to her to be considered "cheating." But we were partners!!
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