Monday, October 27

spice it up

Here we are again: that dreaded hour after dinner/before Gossip Girl and Heroes. It's somehow tolerable.

I'm getting a cold, I think. It's been a pretty rough day thus far. I came home after class and slept until 5. And I got home around 1.

Halloween is just around the corner, and every one is just ready to dress up. I suppose that's the reason for the season. Pretending you're something/someone you're not for a night. Or weekend, depending on where you are.

Today, at school, I felt very Veronica Mars. I mean, I feel like that a lot. Just being blonde makes me prone to V.Mars-ness. Being small and petite, blonde, and carrying around my messenger bag makes me feel very V.Mars.

Last night's Dexter and True Blood were both amazing episodes. They're growing on me every minute. Dexter Morgan and Sookie Stackhouse are wonderful characters, and in these seasons (third and first, respectively) the characters just seem to (in Dexter's case) blossom into completely different people from when we were first introduced to them. Dexter is experiencing things he never thought was possible, like actual feelings. And Sookie had just had a lot of bad shit happen to her.

I learned today that chocolate makes more phlem. Which is why I can't eat the chocolate cake my parents brought home from the BBQ the other night. Quite sad it is. I love chocolate cake.

I had a bio lab test today, which I think I did pretty well on. It was a lot of questions about mitosis, which is not hard whatsoever. But with my luck, it will turn out badly.

I have a headache.


1 comment:

Lindsey A. said...

True Blood WAS really good. I wish I got Showtime. I think I am going to start wathcing Dexter online. You are very Veronic Mars-esque, in my opinion. That makes me want to watch Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Is Buster going to wear his dress for Halloween, or his pumpkin shirt? We have to get winston a sweater because pugs get cold very easily. Does buster have a sweater? He does, I believe. It seems as though he would get very cold too. Joli and Coco don't like their denim and courdaroy (spelling?) jackets :(
I can't wait to come home for Thanksgiving! We shall be reunited at last!