There is one thingthat reminds me of another of Myiazaki's films. 'Yubaba' is a character from Spirited Away, one of my favorite animes. And 'Obaba' is a character inthis movie, Nausicaa, Valley of the Winds. Nausicca came a long a good deal before Spirited Away, I know this. So perhaps there is a little of Obaba in Yubaba. I shall do some research.
I checked it out from the library just this afternoon, after M returned it. Quite interesting, he was leaving just as I was arriving. I was there also to get books for my essay, mentioned later.
Even for a movie from 1984, it has very environmentalist undertones. Poisoned soils and whatnot. It's very "earth friendly."
Surely, I'll have to watch it again.
My first essay was assigned in World Civ 1. The topic I chose was: Research the Old Testament as a reliable source of history. Also, I must research the importance of sacred texts in religions. I think it's going to be interesting.... writing this paper. I've done a good bit of resarch already today.
For example, I learned that Moses was recieving the 10 commandments while the Greeks were fighthing the Trojan Wars. I would have imagined these two instances of time to be futher apart from each other. However, I read that they both occured sometime around 1250 BCE.
Or at least that's what I learned on this time line I came across online that I won't be able to list as an actual source. I'm going to have to work it into another source, I guess. Maybe I won't even use it in my essay at all. The paper is only 3 - 4 pages. Double-spaced isn't a book or anything.
Not much has really happened.
We did get that 300 bucks back from the person whom stole all the items from my house almost a week ago.
I have to read this thing about Martin Luther before class tomorrow, so I should do so....
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