Currently, I'm watching the first four episodes of The O.C. I absolutely love this show.
I never really liked the Pilot when I first saw it, but I just watched it for the second time today and it was great. I don't know why I didn't like it before.
I also picked up the book Twilight, by Stephenie Meyer, today. I haven't finished the first chapter yet, but I will report on if it's worthy of being read.
Also, this evening I saw The Incredible Hulk. I absolutely love Edward Norton. He is one of my most favorite actors of all time. Especially his performance in Fight Club. That movie rocks almost as much as the book by Chuck Palahniuk. Which reminds me that I almost bought Snuff today, but it was more expensive than the paper-back version of Twilight. I talked my mom into buying it for me. :)
As for the Hulk movie, it was quite an epic vision of beauty. Tim Roth was fun as a crazy, power hungry military man. The romance between Liv Tyler and Edward Norton was very believable. If their on-screen chemistry would match their off screen chemistry, I'm sure they'd make a very nice couple. Except that Liv Tyler's married.
I may have to see it again, because when I saw it, I was sitting on the first row in the theatre. I had to look to the left and the right to see the whole screen. It was a tad bit difficult, and now my neck hurts on top of it all.
I've been reading this fan-written book called James Potter and the Hall of Elder's Crossing. I forget the man's name who wrote it, and I'm too lazy to open the file on my computer that I have of this book, complete with drawn pictures at the beginning of the chapters and a table of contents. The book is 405 pages as well. I found it online and there was a .pdf file that you can download to read. Of course, you need the newest version of Adobe Acrobat.
I have a headache. I think it's because of my sinus. Great.
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