- Dusted the house
- Did laundry (3 loads - not my record, but still a good bit of laundry)
- Took my sister to and from the mall
That's all. Not much has really happened, I guess. I watched my friend M play Oblivion for a few hours and then we started watching Desperate Housewives. The last part of season 2, and now I'm watching the third episode of season 3.
Gabrielle just ran into an old flame.
I probably need to go to Blockbuster tomorrow. Blah. Maybe I can rent The Golden Compass, I've been wanting to view it. I read the book and I heard it's not supposed to be anything like the book because of whatever stupid controversy Christians want to complain about this time. First, Harry Potter and now The Golden Compass. I wonder if they'll even finish the trilogy, since that's what it is, in book format.
It's all a big load of crock, I think. Religious controversies in young adult literature. It's called FICTION after all, right? Shouldn't we be encouraging our children to use their imaginations? Encouraging them to expand their minds? Or at least open-minded people are like that. I liked the His Dark Materials trilogy and I wouldn't give a rat's ass if my kids watched it. Being afraid that a fictional movie will change their children's religious views is ridiculous, in my opinion. If that kids really believes in what their parents believe, then that's their own choice. Religion isn't something that should be forced upon someone. What am I talking about?
I want to read The Golden Compass trilogy. I miss you too, I almost sent you a piece of flair that said "I miss you so much" and then I decided that would be weird and lezzie-ish.
I agree. I never knew Narnia was associated with religious freaks. I loved it. Sadly, I watched the first movie to come out, and there it was in my face. JESUS the lion. I wanted to puik that my parents had let me read that crap as a kid. But it doesn't affect you really. Maybe if I had read Screwtape Letters, but that's no kid's book.
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