Wednesday, April 23

Movies for movie people

Here are some screen shots from Choke, the movie version of an awesome Chuck Palahniuk book. Another Palahniuk classic made into a visual thing. I think they also chose a Norton-esque man to play the lead role. 
There is a film version of Invisible Monsters that's currently in-production.

I saw Fight Club before I even knew who Chuck Palahniuk was, interesting enough. I remember hearing about Fight Club in middle school (although I didn't see it then), and I didn't even read my first Chuck book until junior year of high school, at least. 

I can't wait until it comes out though. I'm definately going to see this movie. Oh yes I am. 

The release date is August 28th. I'm pretty excited. 

Sam Rockwell is Victor Mancini
Anjelica Huston is Ida Mancini
Kelly Macdonald is Paige Marshall 
Brad William Henke is Denny. 

Denny never did have a last name.


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