Monday, April 14

I'm a little perturbed today.... and I wish I could get paid to blog

Sons of bitches. I went in for an "appointment" for the call center for AT&T today, which I considered to be a job interview, and they said that I didn't even complete the "minimum requirements" in order to proceed with the application process. Bastards. 
I just had to vent about my anger towards the company because I would have made an awesome call center employee. 

Now.... I'm sitting at home with my awful sunburn. I went to the library and picked up Rant, an Oral Biography of Buster "Rant" Casey, written by the truly amazing Chuck Palahniuk. The classifieds are open on my bed next to me, and I'm tempted to glance over it, but I have a plan on how I'm going to get the job of my dreams: I'm just going to continue to apply at the Hard Rock Casino until they call me. The mass applying starts tonight. T said that they're going to be hiring groups of people each week, so... they have to hire me for something. Right?

Anyway, I also wanted to put out there that everyone should go out and see Forgetting Sarah Marshall when it comes out this weekend. It's probably going to be pretty awesome, only because Kristen Bell is one of the stars. I put up a new link to the Forgetting Sarah Marshall promotional blog. Kind of like the Gossip Girl blogs they have online. There is also another blog for the "fans" of Sarah Marshall. 

While I was on the road to Kentwood, I purchased the new Cosmopolitan magazine with Kristen Bell on the cover. The Sexy Issue: Not for girls who blush easily. That read on the cover in the corner. However, I left the magazine in C's car and I can't get it back until I go see him in Mobile this weekend.

Hopefully by then I will have either: heard back about a job, or my sunburn will have reduced in pain. 


1 comment:

Lindsey A. said...

So I left this comment under yours in my blog, and then realized you might not see it...
Haha "R" it was definitely you dearest Toche. R could never be anyone but you. I wish you were there! I want to get involved in a cause now. I also want to see the movie with Kristen Bell, the Sarah Marshall one.
Blog about the Britney Spears homeland ASAP!
Sunburns suck. I got a terrible one over spring break. It's also bad when you start to peel. I'm at work right now with nothing really to do. I wish I could be an apprentice to a writer or something, like that kid was in Widow for One Year. Except less dramatic. Let's start a crazy blog together where we do something awesome.