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Wednesday, April 30
Am I V. Mars?
Tuesday, April 29
Time is a curse
I've been thinking of things to write down about today, but I can't remember a lot of these things at the moment.
I do remember this: I was driving to Ruby Tuesdays to fill out an application for employment. I had put make up on. Mascara and eyeliner really irritate my eyes because I don't wear make up that often. But, as I was on my way to the restaurant, I closed my eyes slightly and I realized that with mascara on, my eyelashes looked like spider legs and it kind of freaked me out. Spiders in general, kind of freak me out.
As usual, I'm watching Veronica Mars. It is kind of my nightly routine to end my day watching a few episodes of the show.
I didn't get to see Gossip Girl on Monday, and I'm a little bummed about it. I'll get to see a re-run on Sunday night, so it's not so bad. Then, it will be just like seeing the next episode the next night.
Buster is looking out the window. I think he's smelling something riding in on the wind. Now he's scratching himself after getting fleas from M's house. Or at least I'm sure that's where he got them.
I can already see dust collect on my ceiling from my smoking too much.
I think what I'm going to do tomorrow is:
- lay out
- clean my room, yuck
- read books, which ones, I don't know
- hopefully get a call back from Ruby Tuesdays
- go through my books in the garage
- re-arrange my room?
That looks like a lot of things I have head of me tomorrow. I don't know how much of this I'm actually going to get done. I know for a FACT that I will be laying out, because I didn't get to today, or yesterday. I need to become the bronzed sun goddess I once was. Those many, many years ago. Well, maybe it was only two, but you know what .... it needs to be so again.
Thinking of laying out reminds me of Jfer, Malibu and Kasi, I wish we had a nickname for her. If we did, I don't remember it. Pool time used to be our time. Laying out. Reading Cosmopolitan Magazine in British accents. I miss those days oh so much. It's terrible we have to be so far from each other. But I look at the puzzle piece tattoo that we all have, and it makes me happy knowing that I'll always have those girls and that time we had together. It was a time that is probably teen-novel worthy. A lot of things happened my freshmen year of college that changed me, and I think those changes are for the better. I'm more clear headed. I'm more focused on where I want my life to go. Kasi sometimes didn't like what we would read aloud. You see, Kasi had a "comfort zone." She rarely stepped out of it. However, I think she never really cursed before meeting me. I could be wrong though.
Maybe I can make it a summer project to write my own typical teenage novel. It won't be so much coming of age, since the characters will be in college, but it will be a more coming to terms with who you are, and to not be so self conscious, like people are in high school.
Or at least that's what I think I've learned. It's not what people think about it that's important in life. It's who you are and being happy with who you are. What I mean, is that if I could go back to high school, it would be much different for me. I mean, I'm not saying I'd be uber-popular or anything, but I would be more outgoing and more not self conscious about the person that I was always meant to be: the outcast. Even though I was already acquaintances with almost everyone in my graduating class.
Maybe I'll read Madame Bovary tomorrow. I put Anna Karenina on hold at the library. I also have a Gossip Girl novel waiting for me there, so I should probably put going to the library on my things to do tomorrow.
One of my favorite characters on Veronica Mars is Cindy "Mac" Mackensie. Mac is another comical character with crazy hair colors that vary from episode to episode. She's a technological genius and helps out Veronica with a lot of the more difficult hacker type stuff that needs to be done in order to solve the mystery. She's played by Tina Majorino, also a co-star from the hits Big Love and Napoleon Dynamite.
Another of my favorites is Eli "Weevil" Navarro. He's such a badass, but a softie as well. He's a good soul when it comes down to it. He is one for justice, and not completely bad. Even if he is the leader of the PCHer's: Neptune High's notorious biker gang. He's played by Francis Capra. He hasn't really been in anything you would recognize him from, besides Veronica Mars. However, he was on one episode of The O.C. I do believe I mentioned that before though.
I think I've talked about Veronica Mars characters enough for today. I wish I had started reading one of the more sophisticated books I rented from the library, but that hasn't happened yet, so I'm a little sorry that I don't have anything intellectual to talk about. I can't wait to start taking philosophy classes again. Or theology classes. Either one would be pretty awesome. I mean, any of my major/minor classes are going to be awesome, but I still have a ton of core classes to finish off.
I haven't decided what I want to do. College-wise yet. Ole Miss or back to USA?
Making mental note: I'm almost out of tea, so I should probably go get some more soon.
I love Logan Echolls. Ugh, ok, no more Veronica Mars, I said.
On Guitar Hero 3, my band was supposed to be called Mars, but it ended up being only Mar. Whatev.
Monday, April 28
Oh my God. I don't know why I didn't say it before, but I finally saw Forgetting Sarah Marshall.
It was fucking awesome. Mila Kunis ain't got nothing on Kristen Bell.
I'm thirsty.
forgetting sarah marshall,
kristen bell,
Mila Kunis
"This is Neptune, nothing happens accidentally," Veronica Mars
Here I am, quoting Kristen Bell. Watching Kristen Bell/Veronica Mars. Am I going too far? I almost started talking about her at T's house earlier when I saw she had a copy of the new Cosmo.
I don't think so. I'm watching the episode where Wallace and a lot of other kids fail their drug tests and are banned from sports for the whole year. Wallace doesn't do drugs, so obviously Veronica knew something was up. Season 2, Episode 1. "Normal is the Watchword."
M had the day off, so I hung out with her and R. I didn't get to lay out, which was unfortunate because it was a beautiful day. I went to the library and rented Madame Bovary and The Old Man and the Sea.
Tomorrow, I'm going to be applying at Ruby Tuesdays in D'Iberville, M also works there. She said she'd put in a good word for me. Plus, they're hiring. I'm also going to put in an application at the Sears in the mall in Gautier. It's not the most desirable job, but I'm going to go for it. R said he got a job there, but there is a drug test involved.
Madame Bovary is Summer Robert's favorite novel. Summer Roberts, for those of you who don't know, is from The O.C. The Sun Also Rises is the novel of choice for Dr. Derek "McDreamy" Shepard on Grey's Anatomy.
We were riding around Ocean Springs today, and I realized that Ocean Springs isn't going to be itself anymore. I mean, soon enough,that hoe Connie Moran is going to turn this place into another Gulf Shores, Destin or some other beach-side wannabe paradise. Sans the paradise. I saw someone swimming in the water here. A child, nonetheless. We should protect our future. There's staph AND e-coli in that water. I shudder to think. I hope that child doesn't end up with gangrene on its appendages.
I could go for a chicken pot pie right about now.
Saturday, April 26
Friday, April 25
insomnia is very exhausting
I'm not sure what is wrong with me, but I'm having a very hard time going to sleep.
It's like this sometimes if I don't take any Tylenol PM. Maybe it's the idea that I haven't taken the medicine and it's got me all worked up or something, but if I can't sleep... I get frustrated.
There really isn't much to do at 3 in the morning anyway. Why would anyone want to be awake at this time of the night? Especially on a Thursday. Ugh. I don't know how I'm going to get myself to sleep tonight. I've almost completely finished Lullaby, and I just started on the first chapter like, at 10 or so tonight. Ugh. Again.
It's terribly tragic. My thought process when I can't sleep. Currently, I guess it's been so hot outside that I'm sweating more than usual. I guess that's making my hair get dirtier easier. I don't know, but it feels like I have to wash my hair every other day. I took a shower yesterday. A person doesn't have to bathe everyday for their hair to be clean for two days. At least it used to be different for me. When I had longer hair, it was like... I could go two or three days without washing my hair, but still bathing nonetheless. I'm not gross. I just can't stop thinking about my dirty hair.
I wish I had something that would help me fall asleep. Anything.
Maybe I'm too afraid to go to sleep after reading Lullaby, since it's about a culling song that makes the person you read it too fall asleep and never wake up again. I kid. I'm not worried about that....
There are birds singing outside my window. Or is that the fan? I swear I heard birds earlier though. Yes, definitely birds.
Buster is being very beautiful, but he always is. I was scratching his hind leg and he started to kick. It was cute. He's more sensitive to being scratched when he's sleepy, I suppose. I don't know if I mentioned he went to the vet the other day and had some shots that were slightly over due. He was a bit crazy at the vet, but whatever meds they shot him up with made him sleepy. So he kind of slept for a long time in my bed.
I can't think of anything interesting to say.
Thursday, April 24
"the problem with every story is you have to tell it after the fact" -lullaby
I don't know what it is about ABC's sitcoms, but I love them.
Tonight, it was magnificent. Three of my favorite TV shows of all time came on tonight, with all new episodes: Ugly Betty, Grey's Anatomy, and LOST! The Lost episode was completely insane. So many people died. So many main people died in the last few episodes.
I sure hope C was watching.
Other than that, I paid my cell phone bill today. My mom sent me to the store to get milk. Nothing too extreme to talk about today. I made a salad for our dinner, spaghetti. I know L enjoys J's spaghetti.
I'm listening to Loretta Lynn. I have to get into a country mindset for my short story. "The Scouting Isle" is turning out alright. Even though I'm barely over a page. Soon enough.
Maybe the best writers don't write their masterpiece in one night like Kerouac. Not all of them are prodigies, right? It doesn't just come naturally. Well, it kinda does for me, but sometimes I can't think of how something should go.
Well, I think I'm going to go contemplate the mind of a 12-year-old boy. (For my story, duh)
grey's anatomy,
jack kerouac,
loretta lynn,
ugly betty
Wednesday, April 23
chuck speaks!
Here is a kind of long video, with Chuck Palahniuk talking. He doesn't have a bad voice. I love him. He tells a few stories.
My computer is really dirty
There is Buster hair all over my computer. It's pretty freakin' dirty.
Well, I just finished An Oral Biography of Buster "Rant" Casey. Overall, I loved it. I'm a little curious as to why Echo wasn't mentioned in the contributors section of the book. Hmm...
I will, in time, want to read this book again.
Movies for movie people

There is a film version of Invisible Monsters that's currently in-production.
I saw Fight Club before I even knew who Chuck Palahniuk was, interesting enough. I remember hearing about Fight Club in middle school (although I didn't see it then), and I didn't even read my first Chuck book until junior year of high school, at least.
I can't wait until it comes out though. I'm definately going to see this movie. Oh yes I am.
The release date is August 28th. I'm pretty excited.
Sam Rockwell is Victor Mancini
Anjelica Huston is Ida Mancini
Kelly Macdonald is Paige Marshall
Brad William Henke is Denny.
Denny never did have a last name.
Tuesday, April 22
Guys and dolls

This is his dog, I believe his name is Imp. And his friends are what I think are Snuff promotional gifts for the tour.
Anyway, this was a very interesting picture, I thought I would share it with the lot of you.
blow up dolls,
chuck palahniuk,
About Buster Casey
Word is, and L, you'll be excited, I suppose:
Chuck Palahniuk is going to write two more novels about Buster "Rant" Casey. They will release in 2011 and 2013, however, Chuck is still planning on writing in-between. I'm not finished with Rant yet, but I'm more than half-way through with it. I can't wait to finish it, but I'll be sad because I won't have anything else about Rant to read. But I do have other books, so it's not such a tragedy.
Monday, April 21
It's National Incubus Day
4/21 is National Incubus Day. Also, two years ago today, I had alcohol poisoning. Good times.
Anyway, I just wanted to post to thank those who have clicked on the ads here on my blog. Although it only gives me a few cents each time someone clicks on a link, it's very kind. I greatly appreciate your devotion to my progress. Or just clicking on the ads. :)
I've been watching The O.C. and reading Rant at the same time. Buster is very cute right now. He's asleep; he's snoring.
Julie Cooper wants to send her daughter Marissa to a mental institution because she overdosed on prescription medicine in Tijuana in the last episode. Ryan, Seth and Summer broke her out of the hospital using a clever scheme including Summer being a candy striper. But she really is a candy striper.
I started a short story last night. I'm calling it "A Scouting Isle." It's about a 12-year-old boy who is sent to an island on a dare because mysterious things happen on the island. He experiences a few things that include a group of camping boy scouts, or are they? I'm thinking about sending it out to try and get it published... if I like what I come up with, that is. If I even finish it. I mean, I have to finish this short story. It's a short story. SHORT. It's not hard to write a short story.
I <3 The O.C.
Here I am, posting again, and yet again watching The O.C.
My nights are spent watching TV or reading, or both.
Infinity pools, Range Rovers, Chino, sex and Peter Gallagher. I'm thinking Blake Lively would have made a good replacement as Marissa Cooper if she had never died and just traded Mischa Barton off like some cheesy, lame soap opera. Blake Lively being the girl who plays Serena van der Woodsen on the CW's Gossip Girl. The topic I talked about not two posts ago. Probably even my last two posts were about Gossip Girl.
However, being here, declaring my love for The O.C. is not something I need to do, it should be well known by now. Now, it's more my love of the characters that keeps me watching this show over and over again, even after I've seen the series finale for the fourth time. But whatever.
Eli "Weevil" Navarro (Francis Capara, from Veronica Mars) makes an appearance on The O.C. as an inmate that wants to fight Ryan Atwood. Some The O.C. AND Veronica Mars trivia for ya there.
blake lively,
gossip girl,
mischa barton,
peter gallagher,
the o.c.,
veronica mars
I don't know what to say here
So I just watched the newest episode of Gossip Girl. It was a pretty good episode after its lengthy disappearance. Damn those writers wanting more money!
What am I saying? I'll probably be one of those writers one day, demanding higher pay. Who knows. Hopefully I'll be teaching or something. Or be a producer of a hit TV show. Ah, one day.
I watched a really good movie earlier, while eating dinner with the family. Pump up the Volume. Starring Christian Slater, circa 1990. It's about this high school teenage boy who has his own pirated radio show that his fellow classmates go ape shit over. Now, the catch is that no one knows that it's Christian Slater's character on the air. No one really knows who Slater is in their high school anyway. However, it's a good movie about oppression in high school and the right of free speech. Blah blah blah.
Back to the newest episode of Gossip Girl: Well, as you should know, we left off on the last episode with Blair trying to flee the country after everyone found out that she lost her virginity to not Nate Archibald, but - GASP! - Chuck Bass, the slimy, smarmy arch-nemesis of every female in the country. However, Blair doesn't even make it into the plane. Serena van der Woodsen comes to the rescue at the last moment and talks Blair out of leaving. People can't be that cruel, can they? Well, in "The Blair Bitch Project," Serena tells Blair that being a bitch is what got her into the mess that she's in and that she should try to start being more neutral and nice. Can Blair really be nice? Now it looks like little Jenny Humphrey is the new Queen B of the social circle at Constance Billard. How long is her reign going to last, especially if Blair is behind her dethronement? Do I smell tyranny? Mm, and it looks like little J is going to be taking the ex-Queen B's boyfriend as well as her social status.
That's just a teaser for the new episode. I wasn't going to give too much away. You have to go and watch it now. Somehow. TiVo it or something. Just watch it!
Speaking of watching things, I'm a shame to my own words. I didn't go see Forgetting Sarah Marshall this weekend, but it's number two in the box office, according to imdb.com, one of my favorite websites. But Gossip Girl does feature the voice of Kristen Bell, so that kind of keeps me off the hook, right?
Well, it's off to hit the books. Palahniuk books anyway. I need to call the junior college here and ask about summer classes. I think I'm still enrolled there. It should be very easy just to sign up.
Anyway, I'm super stoked about the new episode airing tonight. I think I'm going to have to watch it somewhere else though, since I think our antenna is all jacked up.
If only things worked right when we needed them to. My dad's all fussy about some booster that he has to get onto the roof and take off the antenna, which we have a large antenna, and put a new booster on it or something like that. I only heard what he said in passing, but it affects me on this one level: how I might not be able to watch the CW tonight. My dad, on the other hand, is upset because he can't watch his Judge Judy. I don't know why we don't have the CW on our DirectTV anyway. I mean, we have a lot of channels and we don't get the one channel I want to watch tonight? What's the world coming to???
Ugh, so yeah, yesterday was 4/20 and I got super baked. Ha, of course when don't I? I slept in until 1:30 today because I had smoked so much... I guess. Who knows why I sleep so late anyway.
I applied at the Hard Rock Casino online again today, this time applying for a "Cocktail Server." I think I can do that. I mean... I'm a girl with... what I like to call... a healthy upper half.
I can't think of anything else to report as of today or any day. I need to do a lot of things, and the things I needed to do today, I did not do. So tomorrow I'm going to have to do what I said I was going to do today.
J's making steaks tonight, so I'm pretty excited. Maybe my dad won't be in such a shitty mood by the time dinner hits the table.
gossip girl,
hard rock casino,
judge judy,
panic at the disco
Sunday, April 20
The O.C.

Dead Marissa Cooper. Except I'm watching the first season. Summer Roberts certainly does have a drastic change throughout the series. It ends on an up-note in the fourth season's series finale. I never would have thought Ryan Atwood and Taylor Townsend would end up together, but they did, and I guess it worked that way. I don't know why I care that much.
Julie Cooper. How can anyone live their lives without conniving, malicious Julie Cooper, constantly trying to get Ryan Atwood kicked out of Newport Beach.
Happy 4/20!!!!!!1
Today is the day. A beautiful day it was. I went to the Crawfish Festival and I went to Books-a-Million and spent my gift card. It was also nice because when I went to buy a book (Invisible Monsters by Chuck Palahniuk), the woman said, "You have 25.07 left on your card." and I was taken by surprise because I thought it was only a 20 dollar gift card. So, I bought another book (Lullaby by Chuck Palahniuk). My Palahniuk collection is nearly complete. I need to get Diary back from whoever has it. And I don't own Rant yet.
Ah, but I was hanging out with my friends T and her husband earlier and we were celebrating the holiday, and their smoke alarm starts to go off. T's husband goes into the house and discovers the kitchen is on fire. It was a terrible tragedy. Good thing their daughter wasn't there for the event, she would probably have cried a lot. I felt bad leaving them right after they put out the fire, but I had a ... curfew to attend to. I was late as it was already, but I thought fire was more important. T said she understood though, so it's all good.
The Crawfish Festival was alright, I guess. I didn't ride any rides because I didn't have anyone to ride them with me. My sister had her own friend with her, and my parents claim they're too old to ride rides anymore, so it's useless to want to do it. But my dad wanted to go and see Eddie Money. I got to leave early though, so it was all good. I have to say, I did have some good food: a funnel cake, a blooming onion, and you can't go to a crawfish festival without having crawfish itself. It came with a potato and a corn on the cob. It was delicious.
There was a ferris wheel and I was tempted to go on it, but I didn't want to spend any money doing all that.
Anyway, I think I'm going to do some reading before I pass out or something.
chuck palahniuk,
crawfish festival,
invisible monsters,
Saturday, April 19
Ah, yes I'm still awake
The date 4/20 will be coming very shortly. I'm excited. I think I'm going to be laying out that day. Unless I'm still pealing from the sunburn I already have, I'll just have to cover myself somehow. I have hats, but not big hats. Whatever. I'll be reading. Maybe I'll just put sun screen over it, and it won't burn any more. I won't be laying out very long anyway. Since I'm so fair skinned and all.
I need to go to Wal-Mart tomorrow and buy a few things. Oh, my mom bought me these really cute shorts to go with my new bathing suit. She said she specifically bought them for my "laying out" times. I bought a halter dress not too long ago, in the same purchase of my bathing suit from .... I'm a little ashamed to have had this... but it was from aeropostale.com. I'm not a fan of aeropostale at all, but my mother, god only knows why when she knows I don't like aeropostale, got me a $50 gift certificate for Christmas. I had to spend it somehow. And it's not like they're real clothes. It's a cute bathing suit and a cute halter dress - HA, and they were on clearance. A smart shopper, that's what I am. I showed them to L the other day, and she said they were cute. Or at least that's what I think I remember. But where you buy your clothes doesn't really matter. The shorts my mother got me are from Wal-Mart and I like them. So what does it matter? Whatever, I still have an American Eagle gift card and a Books-a-Million gift card I really want to spend.
american eagle,
laying out,
Friday, April 18
I love this song - blog 5 of the night, and going strong
This is some good shit.
come on eileen,
dexy's midnight runners
Oral Biographies

It's an oral biography of this guy who did absolutely insane things and got away with them. However, he ends his life on television in a fiery blaze. He was also responsible for spreading a silent urban plague of rabies through his saliva. He actually does get pretty frisky with many ladies, as I've read thus far.
Speaking of thus far, I'm not even halfway done with this book yet, and so much shit has happened that I'm slightly afraid but anxiously awaiting to find out what happened to Buster "Rant" Casey towards the end of his existence. These characters are crazy, and I still don't know what the suns and moons next to the people's names are supposed to represent. I think it might have something to do with the "eclipse" period of the rabies virus that Rant spreads through his various hook-ups with women, I'm assuming.
Weird stuff. Oh, and I can't wait for his next book, Snuff, to hit the shelves, which is set to be May 20, 2008. WOO!
Attn: L :He's going to be in Atlanta over the summer, in June I think, and I REALLY REALLY want to go and see if I can get something autographed, hint hint (road trip?). Talk to him. I don't know. Snuff does sound like another mind-fuck-Palahniuk kind of story. Every novel produced by Palahniuk is just something of beauty. Even though some of the stories are quite vulgar and ugly, he makes them interesting with his intense way of telling his audience exactly how to do certain things that normal people would never dare to "try-at-home." To this day, I can't choose a favorite novel written by him.
Next year, he'll be coming out with yet another gripping novel. This one, called Pygmy, has apparently already been written, or at least a first draft. Posted from the forums on chuckpalahniuk.net
Palahniuk says:
"I've just finished the first draft of a novel called "Pygmy," a dark comedy about terrorism and racism. The lead character is a 13-year-old foreign exchange student sent to live with a suburban, white, middle-class family. Oh, and they're Christians. The visit is for six months, and he's one of a dozen similar kids, all shipped to America to live with typical families.
The secret truth is that Pygmy is a terrorist, trained since infancy in martial arts, chemistry and radical hatred of the United States. He has six months to build a prize-winning project for the National Science Fair. If he succeeds, he and his project will go to Washington, D.C. for the finals competition -- where the project will explode, killing millions.
So far, Gerry Howard says it's the best book I've done. Fingers crossed for luck."
So I'm pretty much very excited about this one. It's going to be pretty amazing. But it's not like he doesn't do anything that sucks.
To get onto the topic of oral biographies, I think it takes a lot of talent to actually make it work. I think if I tried to write an oral biography of someone right now, I think it would turn out really shitty. I need to start writing again. Writing things other than my wannabe GossipGirl/It Girl novel-project-thing. I didn't like how it was coming, so now I have to think of something new. Something more original.
I just need to broaden my horizons, considering I've only been reading the Gossip Girl books and It Girl books recently. You write what you know, right? So I guess that it's also about what you've been reading too. I mean, writers read, don't they? Reading was what got me into writing in the first place, so shouldn't that also have an affect on a writer's style? Which is why I picked up Rant and some Hemingway books from the library. I think I need to do some more shopping on the library's internet database, or card catalog.
I need suggestions for new reads. It makes me sad that I may be losing my intelligence every time I read a Gossip Girl or It Girl book. It kind of drives me crazy. Thinking I might fall into that mindset.
There are other influences that could affect my mindset as well. For example, watching Veronica Mars makes me want to be kind of like her. Watching Grey's Anatomy makes me want to work at a hospital, even though I'm slightly afraid of them. Watching Lost makes me wish I were on the mystifying island too. And Heroes makes me wish I had a special ability like flying or cellular regeneration. Would I be evil- like Kristen Bell's character? Or would I be good like little Claire, the cheerleader. Ugh, television makes me crazy, maybe.
p&l (for now, who knows how many more posts I'll post just this evening)
chuck palahniuk,
gossip girl,
grey's anatomy,
kristen bell,
oral biographies,
the it girl,
veronica mars
Happy Bday Betty!

PS: I got highlights yesterday, and I'm waiting for my batteries to recharge so I can take some Myspace-esque pictures of myself for the general public to view.
america ferrera,
grey's anatomy,
ugly betty
Until that day comes, I've got something on you
I've been listening to Rilo Kiley's Under the Blacklight, and by this I mean the album, a lot recently. That, and Tegan and Sara's The Con. I'm all about the female flower power right now, I guess. I just love both of their music. I wish I could be a cool rocker girl, singer songwriter whatever. Or at least I wish I could play an instrument well enough.
My computer screen is really dirty. It needs to be windexed.
The wind is blowing very roughly outside my window, and I think a bug is in my room. A real bug, not Buster. He's sleeping soundly next to me.
Technically, this song isn't on The Con, but it's still a great song.
Ugh. I think I just need to read more. And some other things that are illegal that I won't talk about here.
rilo kiley,
tegan and sara,
the con,
under the blacklight

Wednesday, April 16
Rune Factory: A Fantasy Harvest Moon
I've been really wanting to get this video game, but I haven't had the funds to get it. :(
What am I supposed to do? I've wanted it for a long time, but I can't just ask my parents for it when we have this dwindling amount of money left. Ugh.
Ok, I'm watching Veronica Mars, episode two, with special guest star Paris Hilton. Great stuff.
paris hilton,
rune factory,
veroinca mars,
video games
I think I might be going insane

I was at the library today and I was just like ... there's Veronica Mars, season one. Why not just watch it all over again? I do have The O.C. season one, and I should just watch that, since I haven't in a long time. Maybe I need a little Seth Cohen to set my mind at ease.
However, I'm watching the first episode, actually, the extended pilot. Veronica Mars is introduced to us as a junior in high school, living with her single father in an apartment in Neptune, CA. Veronica's best friend was murdered a year ago, Lilly Kane. Logan Echolls was Lilly's boyfriend. Veronica saves Wallace Fennel from being duct-taped to a flag pole by a gang of motorcycle thugs led by Eli "Weevil" Navarro. Veronica and Wallace end up being BFF for the rest of the series. I can't help but love this show. I think if I had my way, I would become a criminal investigator. Work for the FBI. I think I could get into the minds of the criminally insane. Maybe. Maybe I can just change my major again.......
lilly kane,
logan echolls,
the o.c.,
veronica mars,
wallace fennel
I love Palahniuk.
Not only has Chuck already awed me with his shocking literature, the characters are realistic and creative. Original and funny. Oblivious but aware. I can't get over it. I want to just keep reading, but I know that soon I will have to go to sleep. I have so much to do tomorrow, I feel like I don't want to do it just so I can read the book. I'm just crazy.
Tuesday, April 15
I hate my brain, and that I can't help but write in my blog every other minute
Ok, so I keep opening Microsoft Word and trying to write things down that might be of any interest to anyone, but I can't think of anything original. I need to find my voice. UGH.
L, I wish I had my writing exercise book from my short fiction writing class I had last semester. Or maybe I'll just call you and ask you to help me find my voice. If you'll answer your phone.
Writer's block is getting me down, so I'm stuffing my head with useless knowledge

There is going to be a sixth book, Tempted, but I'm not sure on it's release date.
Jenny Humphrey is a very wholesome character. It seems that no matter how jaded the people around her are, she's still true to herself. I don't know. She grew up in NYC with people like Blair Waldorf and Serena van der Woodsen. How wholesome can she really be?
And who else will be looking forward to the release of the newest edition of the Gossip Girl book series? The Carlyles? I think there's going to be a lot more scandal going on in NYC this school year.
Speaking of scandal, Britney Spears was in a car accident this weekend while I was in her hometown. The 21-year-old driver she rear-ended said that he had been admiring the white Mercedes behind him, and the woman driving the car, not knowing that it was Spears driving. However, he surely did know it was her after she hit him from behind, causing a three car pile up. Way to go, Britney. Oh, and the reason for her collision? She was putting on her make up while driving. I'm not sure if it was on the highway or an interstate, but Britney shouldn't be driving and applying make up at the same time. I knew someone in high school that did that. I rode with her to school because she lived in my neighborhood. It scared the crap out of me sometimes, but we always got to school safely.
Tomorrow, I'm going to be receiving three Ernest Hemingway books. I haven't read anything by him before, so I feel like I'm branching out in some way. Well, I am an English major, so I should be well-read, right? I think I'm pretty well-read anyway, I just haven't read a lot of what people call the "classics" or "masterpieces." Who's to say what is good and what isn't? Well, I can't say I love everything I've ever read, because I know I loathe John Saul and probably everything he's ever written, even though I've only read one book by him. He seems like another Janet Evonovitch or Danielle Steel. Someone who puts out books every other month just so they can keep their names on the New York Times Bestseller List.
Authors like that don't inspire me to write. They don't impress me either. It makes me wonder what kind of people actually read these books? (I do know some people who read John Saul though. My neighbor gave me one of his books once and I cringed at the thought of reading it.)
Now, if you want me to tell you some good books, people should read: Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides, The Secret History by Donna Tartt, or anything by John Irving. You know, even long novels are good too. Like Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts. That book is like 933 pages long and it took me about a month to read it, but it was still a great story, even if it was partially biographical. And don't forget about Chuck Palahniuk. He's pretty awesome in the literary department, if I do say so, and there are a lot of people who think so too.
Oh yes, two of Chuck's books will be put into film soon. Another Fight Club? I'm hoping so.
I'm out of things to say.
Monday, April 14
Happy bday Buffy!

She and Veronica Mars rock the teenage sit-coms.
Pictures from Kentwood
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