Monday, January 19

dios mio.

I guess it's time for a new blog. We're kind of well into the new year now, and all seems pretty normal...

Even still... the new year is in fact underway, I haven't gotten around to fulfilling my resolutions. Oh well, there are still 11 and a half more months left in the year to get to them.

However, I have started my new semester of classes at JC. They're pretty fun, I'd have to say. My 'Film as Lit' class is mainly just watching movies. We've watched two so far: M and Fargo.

Intro to Criminal Justice is taught by the Jackson County DA. He's really funny. I will just have to show up to class on time this week. :/ I was 5 minutes late. I'm sorry, I had to eat dinner.

Today, the 19th, starts my online classes. I've checked them out and thus far, I think it's going to be a little stressful perhaps to study online. I might have to write things down still. I might have to get more notebooks. BTW, my online classes are the New Testament Survey and General Biology I.

I've been doing nothing but watching lots and lots of TV and reading lots and lots of books. Mainly the Sookie Stackhouse series, but it's still been a lot of reading. 8 books! I've also picked up Howl's Moving Castle. I can't say that I've done anything note-worthy... so I'm gonna be keeping the blogs short this time around.

Currently, I'm watching Heroes Season 2. I sure do enjoy Heroes. I just completed Lost Sesason 2. I'm about to go to the library in a few days and pick up Season 3. Even though the premiere for Season 5 is this Wednesday (I can't WAIT!), I'm gonna keep refreshing my memory. I kinda dislike Season 3 the most out of all the seasons of Lost until now. I enjoy the plot a lot more now than I did during that season. Them being held by the others, I guess that's what I didn't like.

Whatever. It's kinda late, so I think I'm gonna hit they hay.
